

1: Article in the newpaper of 'Kilburn'
Magic moments, article about the author's visit a the Wilberforce Primary School and the St Mary's of Angels RC Primary School.

10: Article in the newspaper of 'Eton' and a thank you card from the Eton Porny First School in Windsor.
Article about the author's school visit at the Eton Porny First School in Windsor. The kids just loved it!

11: Brave Hunter was nominated children's book of the year.
Document of the nomination of the children's book of the year 2004!

12: Drawing Charlotte
Drawn by Charlotte of the Cameron Highs School in London while the author visited her class.

13: A thank you from Sint Leonards Church of England primary school and drawings made by a keen reader.

Article about the author's school visit at the Johanna School in Oss
The reporter had visited one class session and was really impressed by the preformance of the author José Hofstede. The children where taken by a spell......................

Article in newspaper 'Bilthoven'
Article about the author's visit at the schools in Bilthoven and her signing session at the local bookstore. The reporter of the article just loved the stories!

Article in the newspaper of 'Laren'
Articel about the author's visits at schools in Laren.

Article of the school visit in 'Hedel'
The kids just loved the author's visit at their school! Breathless they listened to her story!

Mini-interview in newspaper 'Brabants Dagblad'
Mini-interview in newspaper 'Brabants Dagblad'. Interview with the author José Hofstede.

News article in 'Bossche Omroep'.
Back at the author's own primary school meeting her former teachers as well!!

News article in newspaper 'Carillon' and News Article in newspaper 'Oss'
Fantasy without borders. The article tells about the writer and why she started to write. The reporter of the article read the first book of the series, Brave Hunter and the Witches, in one night and found the story very imaginative and full of fantasy. He really enjoyed reading it and recommended it to all the children as a must in their personal library. Also he gave an advice to Grandparents to buy the book, because of the good feeling of the story and the easy to read text with large letters. The second news article is an article in the newspaper in Oss telling about the author's visit at schools in the town and the signing session at the bookstore in the city of Oss.

Thank you from the Juliana school
A thank you from the Juliana School after the author's visit. All the kids in the school have signed their names in beautiful colours.

Various articles in newspapers.
Clippings of various articles in newspapers all over the country.

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