Brave Hunter was enjoying watching two birds arguing over a blackberry when he heard someone shouting: "Brave Hunter, Brave Hunter, I have a letter for you!" It was Neston, the fourteen year old son
of the village blacksmith. He was a cheerful boy with brown curly hair and brown eyes that twinkled
like little stars. Neston always knew everybody's business so when the postman arrived with a letter
for Brave Hunter, Neston was very quick to find him. He knew that, wherever Brave Hunter was, adventure
was not far away!
Neston ran towards the bench where Brave Hunter was sitting. "The letter looks very important",
he shouted, gasping for breath. "It has just arrived with the postman from down south. I ran straight
up the hill, Brave Hunter, to bring it to you", Neston panted. He handed the letter to Brave Hunter who
looked at it very closely. Brave Hunter gave the letter back to Neston. "Please read it to me Neston",
he said in a friendly manner.